Remember the turtle won!

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I'm just a 30something year old gal who wants to run a race with out her thighs rubbing together...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm out of the 190s....AGAIN. Take two.

I like this picture because of the honesty to it. I've been asked on a number of occasions when I'm due, and its devistating. I can only blame myself for getting to this point, but I know its not too late to change things.

I survived my first week back on WW online. A holiday weekend mind you. I did not partake in any BBQs or potlucks, but I did indulge a bit this weekend. I had a couple things at the bar when I was working this weekend and I did drink Friday, saturday, and Sunday night. I don't usually do benders like that, but I had friends in town and when the weather is craptastic we drink. Hell...we drink anyway.

First weigh in went great! I was down 2.2, so I'm back in the 180s. I tracked most days and stayed within points, but I HAVE to learn to get better about tracking on weekends.

This week my schedule is crazy since I have to close the bar three nights this week and work my other job, so exercise might have to be put off again. I've been looking for an elliptical or tredmill so I can do a quick workout before work at home or even when I'm watching tv at night. Since there wont be much exercise, I HAVE to be good about eating. They say losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise.

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Congrats on your loss!! AND being out of the 190s!! I know you';ve been waiting for that.

    I agree about the 80/20 rule. When I started my WLJ all I did was walk, and barely. I just changed the way I ate and saw the differences. I have to learn to track on weekends too. It seems once 5pm Friday gets here I seem to forget to track. Something I'll have to work on.

  2. We can always hold each other accountable! I don't know what it is about the weekend either, I mean we have access to the internet pretty much anywhere we go, so there should be no excuses. :)

  3. GOOD JOB GIRL!!! 190's must feel great!! Even if it is again! :) I need someone to kick my butt into exercise gear. I love sleep and just can't get up and exercise in the AM and then when I get home from work, i do some online creeping, make sure i cook something healthy for dinner and then relax and watch TV. How do you cure laziness? haha
