I weighed in this morning at 181.4. I've been trying monthly weigh ins, and I am down 2.8 since my last weigh in in August. I'm hoping to be out of the 180s in the next few weeks.
I am doing surprisingly well with my no soda/no fast food challenge. I've drank soda on two occasions when I was having an adult beverage. I mean, what the hell else can you drink Jack Daniels with besides a diet coke? I cannot even begin to tell you how much better I am feeling since I stopped drinking soda and eating fast food. I'm not bloated and I don't feel snacky like I used to. I am really starting to believe that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise, because I've only worked out a few times the past month or so. I do hate not working out. I feel that I need to choose between sleeping and exercising, and sleep usually wins.
My new challenge will be is to take at least two classes a week at the gym. I'm paying for a memebership and classes are included, so I should probably go don't you think?